The Engineering Design Course (ESD Course) is a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary organization that attracts faculty members from various fields. The faculty members are in charge of ESD courses in complex systems while belonging to their respective specialized fields such as “mechanical”, “system control system”, “management engineering”, “architecture”, “civil engineering and environmental engineering”, and “fusion science and engineering system”.
For links to the websites of each faculty member’s laboratory, please refer to the list of ESD faculty members on the university’s website.
Principal teacher
Inaba, Kazuaki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Research and development of new machines and structures through engineering design
Ohashi, Takumi
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
Beyond Human-Centeredness: Designing for People and the Planet
Kahlon, Yuval
Assistant Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and Building Eng.
Making Interactive Systems for Design Education and Practice
Saijo, Miki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
Communication design for diffusion of innovation
Saito, Shigeki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Value creation by development of micro-robotics technology and methodology of engineering design
Sadeghzadeh Nazari, Mehrdad
Specially Appointed Lecturer
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
Aspiring taller and longer through realizing innovative structural seismic vibration control systems
Taoka, Yuki
Assistant Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and Eng.
Exploring design as a way to apply technologies into social problems
Tanaka, Masayuki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Human and computer vision systems
Nakatani, Momoko
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Information and Comm. Eng.
Solving social problem through design of services that move people’s hearts
Nishida, Yoshifumi
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Living Centric Design: a New Methodology for Resilience to Human Living Function Change
Hijikata, Wataru
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of mechanical systems enhancing quality of life
Fujii, Haruyuki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and Building Eng.
Designing a methodology for design science that sheds light on the action known as design
Yoshida, Kazuhiro
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Realization of high-power density microrobots using functional materials
Prasetyo, Eko Heru
Assistant Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Insdustrial Eng. and Econom.
Navigating technology and platform-dependent micro-entrepreneurs in emerging markets
Assistant teacher
Akasaka, Hiroki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Innovation through development of new functional materials
Akita, Daisuke
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Passive exploration systems using diverse environments of space
Iwatsuki, Nobuyuki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of human-friendly robotic environment and sound
Endo, Gen
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Creation of robot systems that contribute to society
Kurabayashi, Daisuke
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Intelligent control of distributed autonomous systems based on
Seaborn, Katie
Associate Professor
School of Eng. / Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Economics
Designing to provoke, motivate, and inspire
Sakamoto, Hiraku
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Creation of innovative large space structures using numerical
analysis technologies and nano-satellite demonstrations
Sasaki, Eiichi
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Civil and
Environmental Eng.
Innovative technologies development for safety of structures
Sato, Chiaki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of Novel Adhesion Technology and Application
Sampei, Mitsuji
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Control hard-to-control systems: Nonlinear Control Theory
Sugahara, Yusuke
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Systems design, control, and integration of mechanical and robotic
Sekiguchi, Yu
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Understanding and applying the phenomenon of adhesion/debonding
Senoo, Dai
School of Engineering / Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Economics
Theory construction on dynamic interaction processes between
individuals and organizations
Takahashi, Kunio
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Design of processes and devices based on adhesion and joining
Takeda, Yukio
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
To establish the optimal mechanism design methodology governing
the basic characteristics of mechanical systems and to validate it
through design, prototyping and experiments
Tsujimoto, Masaharu
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Change the society by the Ecosystem analysis, design and
Nakanishi, Hiroki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Advanced space system developed by robotics
Nakamaru, Mayuko
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Understand the principle of our society by social simulations and
evolutionary game theory
Nohara, Kayoko
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
“Translating” science and art/design to produce innovative
Hasegawa, Shoichi
Associate Professor
School of Engineering, Department of Information and
Communications Engineering
Virtual Reality Technology and design creating experience
Hayashizaki, Noriyosu
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Creating a prosperous and sustainable society through particle
accelerator and quantum beam technologies
Murata, Ryo
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Creating architecture and cities in response to the environment
Yagi, Tohru
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
School of
Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and
Neural engineering to connect man and machine
Yamakita, Masaki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Yamazaki, Takahisa
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Joining of dissimilar materials to provide good mechanical
property for aerospace
Yuasa, Kazuhiro
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Application of the effective energy utilization technology in
Funakoshi, Kotaro
Associate Professor
School of Eng. / Department of Information and Communications
Designing cooperative interactions with machines
Inaba, Kazuaki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical
Research and development of new machines and structures through
engineering design
Research and development of new machines and structures through
engineering design
To combat various problems in industry, we are creating new machines and
structures and proposing evaluation methods based on mechanical
engineering, especially the strength of mechanics and fluid mechanics.
With high-speed cameras and numerical simulations, we visualize
invisible phenomena and build theoretical models. Research subjects are
widely spread from small instruments, such as collunarium containers and
ophthalmic surgical instruments, to large parts, such as automobile
parts, shock absorbers, pumps, and pipelines. Materials and structures
with functions suitable for various applications are studied and
developed experimentally, theoretically, and numerically. We are
conducting numerous studies focused on fluid-structure interaction,
impact phenomena, and multi-physics such as water hammer, liquid
atomization, bubble dynamics, and cavitation erosion. Moreover, in the
Tokyo Tech Design Factory, we are developing practical design
methodology in engineering design processes, such as extraction of user
needs, prototyping with 3D printers, laser cutters and similar tools,
business model generations with managers, visualization and measurement
of users’ experiences.
- Social Contributions
- ASME PVP FSI Tech Committee, Vice Chair (2017-)
- JSME M&M, Steering Committee Member (2017-)
- JSMS Kanto Branch, Secretary (2016-2018)
- Degree
- Ph.D. in Engineering / Keio University
- Career
- Caltech/Tokyo University of Science/JSPS DC1
- Papers/Books
- Kojima et al., J Press Vessel Tech, 139, 2017.
- Ushifusa et al., J Supercritical Fluids, 94, 2014.
- Inaba & Shepherd, J Press Vessel Tech, 132, 2010.
Ohashi, Takumi
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Beyond Human-Centeredness: Designing for People and the Planet
Beyond Human-Centeredness: Designing for People and the Planet
“Human-centered design” is a method of problem-solving that aims to make
systems usable and useful by focusing on the users. While it creates
solutions that meet human needs, in recent years, design has taken on
greater responsibility. Actually, SDGs are well-known Global Goals that
aim to take into consideration their long-term effect on human society
and the global environment. For instance, “wicked problems” such as
climate change, an aging society, food loss, and lack of quality
education access cannot be solved simply by meeting human needs. Our lab
engages in transdisciplinary research to scientifically investigate the
design process in order to solve “wicked problems” by realizing the
preferable future based on socio-cultural trends and cutting-edge
technology. Members are encouraged to develop and implement
systems/products while working with experts in the actual field while
rigorously analyzing the design in order to understand how and why the
design process works and fails. We design in a wide variety of domains,
including livestock breeding, nursing care, education, and disaster
- Social Contributions
Research and development of new machines and structures through
engineering design
- Degree
Doctor of Engineering; Master of Management of Technology / Tokyo
Institute of Technology
- Career
- Tokyo Institute of Technology / Stanford University
- Papers/Books
Ohashi, T., et al. (2021). Real-Time Assessment of Causal Attribution
Shift and Stay Between Two Successive Tests of Movement Aids. Integr.
Psych. Behav.
Ohashi, T., et al. (2015). Multi-layered MoS2 Film Formed
by High-temperature Sputtering for Enhancement-mode nMOSFETs. Jpn. J.
Appl. Phys.
Kahlon, Yuval
Assistant Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Making Interactive Systems for Design Education and Practice
Making Intelligent Systems for Design Education and Practice
Since design is a highly intelligent activity, studying human design
processes enables to get valuable insights into human thinking, and the
ways it facilitates intelligent action. The value of such insights is
twofold – they both deepen our understanding of human cognition, and
enable us to enhance current computational design systems. Specifically,
I am interested in the relations between seeing and acting in design, as
they are tightly linked with human designers’ adaptability to changing
situations. By observing human designers, we develop a new understanding
of design processes, which is utilized for constructing intelligent
design systems.
- Social Contributions
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Design Computing Instructor, IAUI /
- Former Co-Founder & CTO, ParaGroup
- Papers/Books
Kahlon. Y et al., Immersive Gaze Sharing for Enhancing Communication in Design
Education, Proceedings of the Design Society, 2023
Kahlon Y. et al., The Holographic Studio: Real-time virtual teleportation in
Mixed Reality for Enhancing Design Education, eCCADe2023
Kahlon. Y and Fujii H., Facilitating Synchronous Remote Collaboration on
On-site Architectural Design using Mixed Reality, AIJISA, 2023
Saijo, Miki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Communication design for diffusion of innovation
Communication design for diffusion of innovation
For diffusion of innovation to solve various social issues and improve
people’s quality of life, it is essential to cooperate with people of
diverse background and knowledge. However, to realize this cooperation,
a proposition that dialogue among diverse people tends to be easily
broken must be solved by “Communication Design.” Our laboratory policy
is to conduct “Action Research,” a repeating cycle of going to actual
fields where problems occur, extracting and analyzing the issues, and
giving feedback to the fields. In the actual local community, we
strongly promote cooperation and collaboration between local
governments, residents, and companies, to solve the social issues that
are complexly intertwined. To date, we have tried to develop assistive
technology devices, such as a 4-wheel electric power-assisted bicycle
and a meal assistive robot for frail elderly people, by
interdisciplinary and multi-industry cooperation. Highly welcome are
especially those who want to analyze the diffusion of innovation from
the viewpoint of people’s interaction, those who are interested in
communication and cooperation among people having less common points,
and those who want to organize communication problems in their own
workplaces from a bird’s-eye view.
- Social Contributions
- Member, Science Council of Japan
- Degree
- Doctor of Philosophy / Ochanomizu University
- Career
International Student Center in Tokyo Institute of Technology / Waseda
- Papers/Books
- Saijo, M., Communication Design, Kuroshio Publishers, 2014.
- Saijo, M., Communication Design, Kuroshio Publishers, 2014.
informative Centering in Utterances: Between Semantics and Pragmatics,
2013: 183-192.
Saito, Shigeki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical
Value creation by development of micro-robotics technology and
methodology of engineering design
Value creation by development of micro-robotics technology and
methodology of engineering design
In our laboratory, we have two main focuses for research interests:
“Development of Micro-robotics Technology” and “Methodology of
Engineering Design”. The goal of the first focus is to synthesize new
types of functional structures that enable ways of attaching and
detaching a target object in the field of robotics by designing
micro-mechanical structure and surface material properties. The example
research themes are “Development of gecko-type electrostatic chuck” and
“Development of methodology”. The goal of the second focus is to
establish the methodology of “Engineering Design” that enables value
creation in the process of development of products and/or services
through investigations using an engineering and cognitive science
approach, where the fundamental background knowledge of this topic comes
from the Project-Based-Learning class at ESD of Tokyo Tech for
industry-university collaborations. The research theme examples are
“Members’ diversity effect on ideation process in design projects” and
“Incubation effect on the success rate in solving insight problems”.
- Social Contributions
Member of Steering Committee of Micro-Nano Science and Technology
Division, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Conference Chair of 4th Conference of Society of Education for
Member of Internal Selection Committee of Nikkei Award for Excellent
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering
- Career
- University of Tokyo / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
Saito et al, “Rolling behavior of a micro-cylinder in adhesional
contact”, Scientific Reports, Vol.6, pp.34063(1-12), 2016.
Saito et al, “Compliant electrostatic chuck based on hairy
microstructure”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol.22,
pp.015019(1-6), 2013.
Sadeghzadeh Nazari, Mehrdad
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Aspiring taller and longer through realizing innovative structural
seismic vibration control systems
Aspiring taller and longer through realizing innovative structural
seismic vibration control systems
My research interests include developing innovative seismic
structural/non-structural vibration control systems, with specific focus
on Tuned Mass Dampers and vibration base isolators. I am currently
working on improving a novel compact Tuned Roller Mass Damper system on
which I could claim a patent through the University of Tokyo. The system
may be applied to various structures from high-rise buildings and
long-span bridges to non-structural equipment, in order to mitigate
unwanted vibrations due to earthquakes or wind. I strive to make
advantage of various science and engineering disciplines to address
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics problems.
- Social Contributions
- Degree
- Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) / The University of Tokyo
- Career
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Industrial Science, The University
of Tokyo
- Seismic Retrofit Researcher, SHO-SEKKEI Corporation, Tokyo
- Papers/Books
“Analyzing the Seismic Behavior of Secondary Systems, and proposing
the Floor Design Spectra considering Structural Inelastic Behavior and
Primary-Secondary Interaction”, co-authored, 206-P Report,
International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, 2020
(to be), Iran
Taoka, Yuki
Assistant Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Exploring design as a way to apply technologies into social problems
Exploring design as a way to apply technologies into social problems
His research interest is on co-design as a way to create “usable and
attractive” interface between technology and societies. His research
aims to analyze and to support co-design which enables people from
various backgrounds such as users to collaboratively find needs, and
generate and deploy ideas. Currently, his research focuses on idea
generation with support of tactile objects. In addition, co-design is
used to apply technologies for development in developing countries. His
interests also cover methods to develop technologies which is culturally
acceptable and sustainably manageable by local people.
- Social Contributions
- Degree
- Ph.D. / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- UNICEF ECARO (Internship)
- WHILL, Inc. (Internship)
- Papers/Books
Taoka, Y., Kagohashi, K., & Mougenot, C. (2018). A cross-cultural
study of co-design: the impact of power distance on group dynamics in
Japan. CoDesign
Tanaka, Masayuki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Human and computer vision systems
Human and computer vision systems
A camera on a smartphone is necessary for our daily life. Photos and
videos have created a new culture of social networking. The number of
pixels in recent digital cameras has already exceeded the number of
pixels in a human vision system. Humans can feel higher “resolution”
than that digital cameras. The visual information processing by the
brain makes it possible. No one knows that we need to imitate the human
visual system by improving the functionality of the computer vision
system. Imitating the human visual system sometimes works well, but we
still have to develop a specific algorithm for the computer vision
system. We are expanding the limits of computer vision systems and
trying to create new values.
- Social Contributions
- matlab contributor
- COCN Project member
- CIE Division 8, member
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd. / National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) / Tokyo Institute of
- Papers/Books
Single-image noise level estimation for blind denoising, IEEE TIP
- A novel inference of a restricted Boltzmann machine, ICPR 2014.
Beyond color difference: Residual interpolation for color image
demosaicking, IEEE TIP 2016.
Nakatani, Momoko
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Information and Comm. Eng.
Solving social problem through design of services that move people’s
Solving social problem through design of services that move people’s
In order to design services that move people’s hearts using technologies
and to solve complex social issues, it is essential that the people who
use services, and other related stakeholders, are involved in the design
process; multiple stakeholders need to work hand in hand to seek out
intrinsic needs and derive solutions through a process of trial and
error. Our laboratory promotes research into technologies and
methodologies for effective collaboration utilizing the perspectives and
expertise of a diverse range of people based on design thinking and
human-centered design. In particular, we focus on “living labs” where
users, companies, and governments co-create services over a long period
of time. By observing the changes in people’s minds and behaviors in the
process of co-creation, user models are constructed, and tools and
methodologies for effective co-creation are developed. We do not intend
to support the pursuit of profit by companies alone, but to solve social
issues through creating services, particularly focusing on solving the
isolation of the elderly and parents raising infants. We aim to
contribute to improving well-being and to the realization of a
sustainable society by studying the process of co-creation.
- Social Contributions
Committee member of Special Interest Group on Communication
Enhancement, Special Interest Group on User Experience and Service
Design, Human Interface Society
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) / Waseda University
- Career
- Distinguished Researcher in NTT Service Evolution Laboratories
- Papers/Books
M. Nakatani, A. Nakane, F. Akasaka, Y. Ishii, M. Watanabe: Potential
of the dialogue in the living lab: Case study on “Service Lab for
Nurturing”, The Transactions of Human Interface Society, 21(4), pp.
391-404, (2019) in Japanese.
M. Nakatani, T. Ohno, A. Nakane, A. Komatsubara, S. Hashimoto: How to
Motivate People to Use Internet at Home: Understanding the Psychology
of Non-active users, Proceedings of APCHI’12, pp.259-268 (2012).
Nishida, Yoshifumi
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Living Centric Design: a New Methodology for Resilience to Human
Living Function Change
Living Centric Design: a New Methodology for Resilience to Human Living
Function Change
A society that fosters resilience to changes in living function (a
“living function resilient society”) is required in the centenarian era.
It has become even more imperative to address the physical and cognitive
changes faced by children, the elderly, and disabled persons, and to
ensure they enjoy safe living environments in ways that allow them to
maintain active social participation levels. Building the living
function resilient society requires a new methodology for “living
centric design”. Recently, low-cost sensors, storage devices and
artificial intelligence have become widely available. To facilitate a
scientific approach to living centric design based on these
technologies, our laboratory is engaged in developing 1) living
geometry, which is computational technology for a living database, 2)
living sensing and support modules that enable personalized safety and
social participation, and 3) a living innovation social system for
transforming UN’s Sustainable Development Goals level social problems
into industry level solutions as components of a community-based
participatory research approach. Interface Society, 21(4), pp. 391-404,
(2019) in Japanese.
- Social Contributions
Board Member of Children Safety Society of Japan, Japan Association of
Community Based Civil Safety Sciences, and Safe Kids Japan.
Program Manager of Social Technology Domain of SECOM Science and
Technology Foundation
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / University of Tokyo
- Career
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
- Papers/Books
Detecting and Modeling Child’s Play Behavior Using Sensor-Embedded
Climbing Playground Equipment, International Journal of Arts and
Technology, 2012
Development of Childhood Fall Motion Database and Browser Based on
Behavior Measurements, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2013
Hijikata, Wataru
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of mechanical systems enhancing quality of life
Development of mechanical systems enhancing quality of life
The purpose of the research topics is to realize a medical mechatronics
system, which enhances quality of life. In the research of “in-vivo
energy harvesting system”, I develop a generator system, which can
convert the energy of human activity into electrical energy inside the
body to power an implantable medical device such as a pacemaker and an
in-vivo health monitoring sensor. An implantable artificial heart and
power assist suit, however, consumes 10 to 100 watts. Therefore, for
these devices, I also develop “a wireless power transfer system,” with a
function that tracks the movement of humans wearing such devices.
Another research topic is “an intelligent artificial heart,” whereby the
thrombus can be automatically detected inside itself, as well as the
flow rate controlled by cooperating with a patient’s failing heart.
- Social Contributions
Borad member of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and
- Committee of JSME young membership association
- Member of the Foundation Adcanced Technology Institute
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Tokyo Institute of Technology / EPFL / TOYOTA Central R&D Labs.,
- Papers/Books
Energy harvesting from biting force with thin sheet harvester based on
electret and dielectric elastomer, Nano Energy, 2022.
Contraction model of skeletal muscle capable of tetanus and incomplete
tetanus for design and control of biohybrid actuators, Journal of
Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 2022.
Prevention of thrombus formation in blood pump by mechanical circular
orbital excitation of impeller in magnetically levitated centrifugal
pump, Artificial Organs, 2022.
Fujii, Haruyuki
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Designing a methodology for design science that sheds light on the
action known as design
Designing a methodology for design science that sheds light on the
action known as design
I have been developing a methodology for design science that bridges
subjective insight, illogical thinking, and individual localization in
design, objective grounding, logical thinking, and universal explanation
in natural science. This activity is composed of interdisciplinary
exploration and design of the following four pillars; (1) a method of
first-person study that allows subjectivity and objectivity to coexist,
(2) a constructive method where logical thinking – deduction – and
illogical thinking – induction and abduction – are employed, (3) the
dynamic relationships between the symbolic representation and operation
in designing and their referents – physical matters and conceptual
issues – and (4) spatial schema representing the spatial and temporal
relationships between man and environment via artifacts. In addition, in
relation to the activities mentioned above, I am involved in some
intermedia art activities that express the experience of architectural
spaces and landscapes in the form of sound and music with a composer.
- Social Contributions
- Vice-Chair, Design Computing and Cognition (2004 – )
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Waseda University
- Career
Waseda University / Carnegie Mellon University / Shimizu Corporation /
The University of Sydney
- Papers/Books
Design of Intellect, Suwa Masaki & Haruyuki Fujii,
Kindaikagakusha, 2015.
On Study about Activities of Creation, Haruyuki Fujii, Journal of JSAI
28(5), 720-725, 2013
Designing Action Know as Design, Haruyuki Fujii & Nakashima
Hideyuki, Journal of JCSS, 17(3), 403-416, 2010
Yoshida, Kazuhiro
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Realization of high-power density microrobots using functional
Realization of high-power density microrobots using functional materials
We have been developing microrobots that are micro-sized, travel in wide
space supporting their own weight, and perform power-needed tasks. The
feature of our research is using functional materials. First, by using
electro-rheological fluid (ERF) that changes its viscosity when
subjected to an electric field, we proposed and have been developing
simple and miniaturizable ER microvalves. Based on micro electro
mechanical system technologies, we have realized a 3-mm-long flexible ER
microvalve. Second, for multiple degrees of freedom actuator systems, we
proposed and have been developing alternating pressure systems. By
rectifying alternating flows due to an alternating pressure source using
synchronized switching of ER microvalves, we have realized a 1.6-mm-long
microfinger. Third, as hydraulic power sources, we proposed and have
been developing piezoelectric micropumps using fluid inertia that has an
outlet pipe instead of a check valve. We have realized the micropump
with the world’s highest level of power density.
- Social Contributions
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Division of Machine Design
& Tribology, Secretary (2007, 2013)
The Japan Fluid Power System Society, Director (2006-2010, 2012-2014,
The Japan Fluid Power System Society, Publishin Committee, Chairperson
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
A study on a soft microgripper using MEMS-based divided electrode type
flexible electro-rheological valves, Mechatronics, 29, Aug. 2014 / An
MEMS-based multiple electro-rheological bending actuator system with
an alternating pressure source, Sensors & Actuators A, 245, Apr.
Prasetyo, Eko Heru
Assitant Professor
School of Eng. / Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Econom.
Navigating technology and platform-dependent micro-entrepreneurs in
emerging markets
Navigating technology and platform-dependent micro-entrepreneurs in
emerging markets
How does technology assist micro-entrepreneurs? Platform-dependent
entrepreneurs emerged as an implication of the extensive development of
technology and innovation. The research investigates the technology
adoption process of micro-businesses and other entrepreneurial
activities within the grey zones. This study aims to identify the
circumstances of platform-dependent entrepreneurs in operating the
business within an online-platform business model and explore challenges
that entrepreneurs confront regarding the complexity of technology
adoption provided by platform-driven firms. Technology and
digitalization are simple tools, but one must understand the importance
of building technology that suits users.
- Social Contributions
- Degree
- Doctor in Economics / Kyoto University
- Career
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
Legitimacy building of digital platforms in the informal economy:
evidence from Indonesian, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging
Economies, 2022, / Digital platforms’ strategies in Indonesia:
Navigating between technology and informal economy, Technology in
Society, 2024
Akasaka, Hiroki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Innovation through development of new functional materials
Innovation through development of new functional materials
Development of new functional materials, mainly carbon materials, is the
research field of our laboratory. Although we mainly focus on the
materials field, we also study in an interdisciplinary field crossing
these fields because I have studied in three disciplines, electrical
engineering, chemical and mechanical engineering. Research on
diamond-like carbon films and composite materials with nanomaterials,
such as carbon nanotubes, are currently conducted. To obtain the higher
advanced functional materials, we investigate not only estimation of
material properties but also analysis of their structure, and obtain
guidelines for material design. Additionally, we investigate the
possibility of doping, among other factors, to obtain more advanced
- Social Contributions
Materials and Processing division the Japan Society of Mechanical
- Japan New Diamond Forum
- The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Nagaoka University of Technology / Citizen Watch Co., Ltd.
- Papers/Books
N. Ata, N. Ohtake, H. Akasaka, Polyethylene–Carbon Nanotube Composite
Film Deposited by Cold Spray Technique, J. Therm. Spray Technol. 26
(2017) 1541.
Yutaro Suzuki, Yasuyoshi Kurokawa, Tsuneo Suzuki, Kazuhiro Kanda,
Masahito Niibe, Masayuki Nakano, Naoto Ohtake, Hiroki Akasaka.
Structure and physical properties of stable isotopic amorphous carbon
films, Dia. Relat. Mater., 63(2015) 115.
Akira Sakaguchi, Masayuki Nakano, Junko Hieda, Naoto Ohtake, Hiroki
Akasaka. Dependence of ion concentration in simulated body fluid on
apatite precipitation on titania surface, Appl. Surf. Sci., 347 (2015)
Akita, Daisuke
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Passive exploration systems using diverse environments of space
Passive exploration systems using diverse environments of space
We study about planetary exploration systems and space transportation
systems, based on aerodynamics, with a long-term perspective. We are
particularly interested in passive systems that take advantage of the
seemingly severe and diverse environments of space; for example, sails,
balloons, or kites, which must look like strange vehicles in space. In
addition to ground experiments and numerical simulations, we perform
flight demonstrations in orbit in collaboration with JAXA and other
universities. We aim to develop the concepts of exciting and attractive
systems with creative young students to explore new horizons.
- Social Contributions
- ー
- Degree
- Doctor (Science) / The University of Tokyo
- Career
JAXA/ISAS / The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science
- Papers/Books
Suborbital Reentry Demonstration of Inflatable Flare-type
Thin-membrane Aeroshell using a Sounding Rocket, Kazuhiko Yamada,
Yasunori Nagata, Takashi Abe, Kojiro Suzuki, Osamu Imamura, Daisuke
Akita, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2015.
Iwatsuki, Nobuyuki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of human-friendly robotic environment and sound
Development of human-friendly robotic environment and sound environment
To build a human-friendly robotic environment with regard to sound
environment, various design issues related to human daily life are being
researched. The current principal research themes are as follows:
“Motion control of hyper redundant robots that can generate complicated
and flexible motions”, “Synthesis and motion control of flexible robots
composed of elastic links and elastic joints”, “Motion control of
underactuated mechanisms constrained with elastic elements or
gravitational force”, “Estimation of noise radiating from a vibrating
structure and its structural optimization to reduce noise”, “Active
noise control to modify noise to a comfortable sound based on human
psychology”, and “Development of a functional material actuator and a
mechanical system driven by it”.
- Social Contributions
Director, Japan Society for Design Engineering(2012-) Vice president,
Japanese Council of IFToMM(2011-)
- Director, Japan Society for Precision Engineering (2007-2008)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Professor, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Faculty of Engineering/Precision and Intelligent Laboratory
- Papers/Books
Nobuyuki Iwatsuki and Takashi Kosaki: Large Deformation Analysis and
Synthesis of Elastic Closed-loop Mechanism Made of a Certain Spring
Wire Described by Free Curves, Chinese Journal of Mechanical
Engineering, Vol.28, No.4, (2015), pp.756-762.,
Endo, Gen
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Creation of robot systems that contribute to society
Creation of robot systems that contribute to society
My research field is in robotics, particularly in mechanical design and
its application to a practical robotic system. Our final goal is to
contribute to society by solving actual problems using a new robotic
system. For example, robot technology is essential for decommissioning
of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant under a high radiation dose
level. I have been developing a long-reach manipulator to access
confined spaces, and a mobile manipulator to carry ultrasonic sensors
with collaborators. In the case of welfare robotics, I have proposed a
mobile robot to help home oxygen therapy patients. Frequent field tests
as well as user feedback are also involved in investigating practical
- Social Contributions
Secretary of System Integration Division of Society of Instrument and
Control Engineers (2009)
Secretary of Robotics and Mechatronics Division of Japan Society of
Mechanical Engineers (2014)
- Delegate of Robotics Society of Japan (2016)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Sony Corporation / Tokyo Medical and Dental University / Tokyo
Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
“Development of a Coupled Tendon-Driven 3D Multi-Joint Manipulator”,
A. Horigome, H. Yamada, G. Endo, S. Sen, S. Hirose, E. F. Fukushima,
Int. Conf. on Robotics and Autmation, 2014
Kurabayashi, Daisuke
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Intelligent control of distributed autonomous systems based on
Intelligent control of distributed autonomous systems based on
Why can animals behave adaptively to situations? We are exploring the
functional mechanisms of animals to exhibit intelligent behaviors and
trying to migrate them into artificial systems. We believe the
intelligence relies not only on elements, such as a brain, sensors, or
organs, but also interactions among them. We have found that an insect
that has only 100 thousand neurons can behave adaptively, quickly, and
effectively, while a robot with a modern central processing unit that
includes one billion transistors running at 3 GHz cannot. Based on
neuroethology, electrophysiology, control theory, and stochastic
analysis, we are investigating the secret of intelligence and building
novel intelligent distributed systems with resilience.
- Social Contributions
- Advanced Robotics EiC (2022-)
Board member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
(2014-2015, 2020-2021)
Board member of the Robotics Society of Japan (2005-2006, 2014-2015)
- Degree
- Ph. D / The University of Tokyo
- Career
Postdoctoral Researcher for RIKEN, Lecturer, Associate Professor, and
Professor for Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
“Learning a Generic Olfactory Search Strategy from Silk Moths by Deep
Inverse Reinforcement Learning” IEEE Trans. Med. Robotics and Bionics
4(1):241-253, 2022. DOI:10.1109/TMRB.2021.3129113
“Multisensory-Motor Integration in OlfactoryNavigation of Silkmoth,
Bombyx mori, using Virtual Reality System” eLife 10:e72001, 2021.
“A novel framework based on a data-driven approach for modelling the
behaviour of organisms in chemical plume tracing” J. Royal Soc.
Interface 18(181):20210171, 2021. DOI:10.1098/rsif.2021.0171
Seaborn, Katie
Associate Professor
School of Eng. / Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Economics
Designing to provoke, motivate, and inspire
Designing to provoke, motivate, and inspire
Interactive technology can be designed to influence, motivate, and
provoke. I design and research interactive agents, interfaces, and
experiences that use attitude and behaviour change methods for personal
and social good. In the Lab for Aspirational Computing at Tokyo Tech
(ACTT), I work with an international group of students and researchers
work to promote innovative research in the fields of human factors
engineering, interaction design, and human-computer interaction.
Specialties include gamification and serious games, mixed reality and
physical computing, voice assistants and social robots, and inclusive
design with older adults. We combine critical thinking and problem
solving, engineering and design ability, and mixed methods research with
human participants.
- Social Contributions
- Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Degree
Doctor (Mechanical & Industrial Engineering) / The University of
- Career
- RIKEN / The University of Tokyo / University College London
- Papers/Books
Seaborn & Fels (2015). Gamification in theory and action: A
survey. IJHCS, 74, 14-31.
Sakamoto, Hiraku
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Creation of innovative large space structures using numerical
analysis technologies and nano-satellite demonstrations
Creation of innovative large space structures using numerical analysis
technologies and nano-satellite demonstrations
For the construction of significantly large space structures, advances
in space-deployment, space-assembly, and space-manufacturing
technologies are important. Our laboratory conducts (i) the proposal of
origami-based deployable space structures, (ii) the development of
verification methodology for large space structures using
state-of-the-art numerical analysis techniques, and (iii) space
demonstration of technologies by developing nano-satellites ourselves.
For example, our laboratory leads the development of 3U CubeSat,
OrigamiSat-1 and OrigamiSat-2, which exploit the launch opportunity by a
Japanese Epsilon rocket. These satellites demonstrate multi-functional
membrane deployment technology. Thin-film devices can be attached
throughout the deployable membrane, such as reflectarray antennas and
flexible solar cells. Additionally, our laboratory develops the
verification strategies through numerical analyses, which are applicable
to actual solar power sail missions; and develops the active
shape-control mechanisms and control laws for radio frequency space
antennas. Through these technological developments, our laboratory
envisions new space structure systems in the future.
- Social Contributions
University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC), Board Member; Japan
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Member; Japan Society for
Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Member; American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Associate Fellow.
- Degree
Ph.D. (Aerospace Engineering Sciences)/University of Colorado at
Boulder, USA.
- Career
Univ. of Colorado at Boulder / Massachusetts Institute of Technology /
Nihon Univ.
- Papers/Books
Testing Large Ultra-Lightweight Spacecraft (Chap. 4), AIAA, 2017 /
“Folding Patterns of Planar Gossamer Space Structures Consisting of
Membranes and Booms”, Acta Astronautica, 94(1), 2014.
Sasaki, Eiichi
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Civil and Environmental
Innovative technologies development for safety of structures
Innovative technologies development for safety of structures
The main research topics in our laboratory are all related to
development of innovative technologies in the safe management of
infrastructures, especially for steel structures. There are four major
research approaches in our laboratory: “fracture and fatigue”, “field
measurement (structural monitoring)”, “inspection technologies”, and
“energy harvesting”. All of the major research approaches are
interrelated, and are important to establish efficient safety management
of structures. In “fracture and fatigue”, fracture control design of
steel structures is investigated. “Field measurement” includes
development of advanced structural monitoring systems and damage
detection analysis of structures. In “inspection technologies”, new
efficient inspection methods for infrastructures are developed. “Energy
harvesting” investigations enable us to conduct long-term monitoring and
to design a new damper system for structures.
- Social Contributions
- Secretary, Committee of Steel Structure, JSCE(2017-)
- WG Chief, International Committee, JSSC(2016-)
- Secretary, Committee of Fatigue Strength, JWS (2013-)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Research Associate (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Associate
Professor (Yokohama National University), prior to the present
- Papers/Books
Ayako Akutsu, Eiichi Sasaki, Yuki Ebisawa, Hiroshi Tamura: Analysis of
Corrosion Damage Condition of Steel Members Using Low Frequency Eddy
Current Testing, Journal of JSCE, A1, 2017. Koichi Takeya, Eiichi
Sasaki, Hiroshi Iwabuki et al, Development of A Tuned Mass Generator
for Energy Harvesting Using Bridge Vibration, Journal of JSCE, A1,
Sato, Chiaki
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Development of Novel Adhesion Technology and Application
Development of Novel Adhesion Technology and Application
Adhesive bonding is often regarded by ordinary people as a very weak
joining method. However, this reality has been changed drastically by
the development of modern novel adhesives that are very strong compared
with previous ones. Hence, use of adhesive bonding has been expanding
for many applications instead of other joining method, such as welding
or brazing. Against this background, our laboratory conducts research on
adhesive bonding to replace other conventional joining methods. In
recent years, “multi-material structures” are especially focused on
weight reduction of automobiles, and adhesive bonding is the key
technology for this application. Our research topics are not fundamental
but close to real application because we believe that the seeds of true
fundamental research come from difficulties found in actual development.
- Social Contributions
- Adhesion Society of Japan, Board Member
- Society for Research on Structural Adhesion, Chair
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and
Technology / Laboratory for Materials and Structures
- Papers/Books
Design of Adhesive Joints Under Humid Conditions, Springer, 2013
Sampei, Mitsuji
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
Control hard-to-control systems: Nonlinear Control Theory
Control hard-to-control systems: Nonlinear Control Theory
How can we achieve self-driving cars? One of the key technologies for
self-driving is “Control.” While keeping inside the lane, a car should
first recognize the lane (Sensing), and then it should steer the
steering wheel (Control). The basic control strategy is “Feedback
Control,” i.e., if the car is close to the left edge of the lane, then
it should steer the steering wheel to the right, and if it is close to
the right edge then it should steer to the left. This strategy appears
to work fine, but in reality, it may cause meandering movements, or
instability. Thus, we need “Control Theory”. Our main focus is nonlinear
control systems, especially, systems that are difficult to control with
conventional control theory. Our theory enables us to control robots,
drones, and even social systems.
- Social Contributions
Fellow of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE),
54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), PC Chair (2015)
- IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), PC Chair (2010)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Chiba University / Tokyo Institute of TEchnolgy
- Papers/Books
Suppression of vertical bending and rigid-body-mode vibration in
railway vehicle car body by primary and secondary suspension control,
Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 2010, George Stephenson
Prize(Institution of Mech. Eng., UK)
Sugahara, Yusuke
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Systems design, control, and integration of mechanical and robotic
Systems design, control, and integration of mechanical and robotic
Robotics has a broad related field, and I am particularly interested in
designing problems of robot systems, the methodology of system design
and the integration of robots. Based on the problem of consciousness,
i.e., “how to design, what kind of robot system, to make the world
better for living”, I am making robots while considering individual
problems such as mechanisms synthesis, mechanical design and control
system design, as well as about what kind of robots are worth designing
and how to integrate (not implement) them into our society. Specific
research topics include: biped walking vehicle, stair-climbing
wheelchair, task partner robot, Aero-Train: aerodynamically levitated
train system, human-powered robotics, reconfigurable parallel mechanism,
and personal mobility vehicle.
- Social Contributions
- General Affairs Chair, IEEE ICRA2009 (2009)
- Associate Editor, IEEE ICRA2012 (2012)
Member of Technical Committee Linkages and Mechanical Controls, IFToMM
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Waseda University
- Career
Research Associate, Waseda Univ. / Assist. Prof.,Tohoku Univ. /
Lecturer, Kokushikan Univ.
- Papers/Books
A human-powered joint drive mechanism using regenerative clutches,
Levitation control of AEROTRAIN, J. of Robotics and Mechatronics,
Realization of dynamic human-carrying walking by a biped locomotor,
Sekiguchi, Yu
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Understanding and applying the phenomenon of adhesion/debonding
Understanding and applying the phenomenon of adhesion/debonding
The research group focuses on the phenomenon of adhesion and detachment
of materials, especially adhesive bonding technology. Joining technology
is always required when assembling parts. The degree of freedom in
design and the strength of the structure often depend on the joints.
Bonding using adhesives is already used in various places from the
standpoint of design and convenience. However, there are many different
types of adhesives and objects to which they can be bonded, and even a
change in one condition can change the mechanics of the joint.
Therefore, there is no shortage of research topics from an engineering
perspective. We deal with a wide range of research on adhesive bonding
and surfaces/interfaces, including not only instantaneous strength but
also durability and reliability for long-term use.
- Social Contributions
- The Adhesion Society of Japan, Councilor/Kanto Branch Secretary
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering/ Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
Tokyo Institute of Technology/JSPS Research Fellowship for Young
- Papers/Books
Yu Sekiguchi, et al., Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials
& Structures 46(2023) 909-923.
Asuka Hayashi, Yu Sekiguchi, Chiaki Sato, Journal of Advanced Joining
Processes 5(2022) 100079.
- Yu Sekiguchi, Chiaki Sato, materials, 14(2021) 1723.
Senoo, Dai
School of Engineering / Dept. of Industrial Eng. and Economics
Theory construction on dynamic interaction processes between
individuals and organizations
Theory construction on dynamic interaction processes between individuals
and organizations
How do individual workers find what they want to do and realize it in an
organizational context? With this question in mind, I am conducting
several research projects and attempting to use the findings to promote
innovation. Recently, I have been focusing on the following three
concepts: “Diversity”; I am focusing not only on diversity of ethnic
groups and gender, but also on the diversity of knowledge including
values and frameworks. “Work style change”; I am classifying workstyles
and analyzing business cases based on a new definition of work. “Open
innovation”; I am targeting research and development organizations and
communities of practice, to measure absorptive capacities and to clarify
the customer co-creation process.
- Social Contributions
President, The Japan Society for Management Information (2019-2021)
Member, Intellectual Productivity Committee, Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and Transport (2007-2013)
- Member, FutureCity Initiative Committee, Cabinet Office (2013-)
- Degree
- Doctor of Commerce / Hitotsubashi University
- Career
Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Economics, School
of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
On Practice : Knowledge Creation and Utilization. Hakuto-shobou. Nov,
Shaping knowledge management: organization and national culture.
Journal of Knowledge Management. Emerald. 2010.
A Study of Knowledge Management Enablers across Countries. The
Essentials of Knowledge Management. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.
Takahashi, Kunio
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Design of processes and devices based on adhesion and joining
Design of processes and devices based on adhesion and joining science
Our research works are based around “Biomimetic design of grip-release
devices”, ”Understanding and application of adhesion phenomena”, “Design
and control of joining processes”, “Energy harvesting”, and
“Micro-plasma”, among others. In this laboratory, processes and devices
are designed based on physics. Mechanisms of phenomena are investigated
and expressed with the simplest model. Meanwhile, the main targets are
phenomena related to surface or interface; some students challenge the
other targets using the potentials of this laboratory. The policy in
this laboratory is design based on logic. The basics are important.
Students in this laboratory keep in mind obtaining the skill of logical
consideration and its presentation.
- Social Contributions
Japan Welding Engineering Society. Chair of Education committee, …
High Pressure Institute of Japan, Chair of Editorial Committee, …
- The High Pressure Gas Safety Institute of Japan
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) / Osaka university
- Career
Assistant professor, Associate professor, Professor of Tokyo Institute
of Technology
- Papers/Books
“Geckos’ foot hair structure and their ability…”K.Takahashi,
International J. of adhesion & adhesives, vol.26 , pp.639-643,
(2006). “A simple formula for surface energy…” Kunio Takahashi,, Physical Review B, vol.48, p.5689-5691(1993)
Takeda, Yukio
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
To establish the optimal mechanism design methodology governing the
basic characteristics of mechanical systems and to validate it
through design, prototyping and experiments
To establish the optimal mechanism design methodology governing the
basic characteristics of mechanical systems and to validate it through
design, prototyping and experiments
The basic performances, such as accuracy, efficiency and usability, of
mechanical systems, such as robots and assistive devices, are governed
by the kinematic structures and dimensions of the mechanisms. Our
research aims to develop design methodology of mechanisms focused on the
essential characteristics of the mechanisms, such as the
transmissibility of motion and force. To date, several mechanical
systems with superior performances have been developed in our
laboratory, such as a three-dimensional pipe bender using a specially
designed parallel mechanism performing precise bending and an ankle
rehabilitation device with a special structure that is easy to perform
and comfortable to use.
- Social Contributions
Executive Committee of JSME (2021-2022) /Executive Council of IFToMM
(2020-2023)/Associate Editor, Mechanism and Machine Theory(2016-).
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Tokyo Tech/TU Munich, U Florida, Program Officer of KAKEN-hi
- Papers/Books
Kinematic performance evaluation of high-speed Delta parallel robots
based on motion/force transmission indices, Mechanism and Machine
Theory, Vol. 125 (2018), pp. 111-125.
Design of a Novel Mutliple-DOF Extendable Arm With Rigid Components
Inspired by a Deployable Origami Structure, IEEE ROBOTICS AND
AUTOMATION LETTERS, VOL. 5, NO. 2, APRIL 2020, pp. 2730-2737. Digital
Object Identifier 10.1109/LRA.2020.2970976
Tsujimoto, Masaharu
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Change the society by the Ecosystem analysis, design and
Change the society by the Ecosystem analysis, design and implementation
The main research topics are Ecosystem Management and Platform
Management. In Ecosystem Management, we are challenging to find new
insights by applying the concept of ecosystem in biology to management
science. Ecosystem management research is characterized by the fact that
it analyzes the entire product/service system that creating value to
customers. Specifically, we are currently working on the analysis,
design, and implementation of an ecosystem using hydrogen energy, which
is supported by the Toyota Mobility Fund and JST. For example, we have
designed new ecosystems using microgrid (we call it a geo-free energy
society), and we are conducting action research for implementation in
cooperation with several companies, governments, and municipalities.
- Social Contributions
- Japan MOT Society, Chairman of the Editorial Committee
- Japan MOT Society, Executive Director
- Degree
- Doctor (Media and Governance) / Keio University
- Career
- TUHH / ETH Zurich
- Papers/Books
Tsujimoto M., Kajikawa Y., Tomita J., Matsumoto Y., A review of the
ecosystem concept—Towards coherent ecosystem design, Technological
Forecasting and Social Change 136, 49-58, 2018,
Nakanishi, Hiroki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Advanced space system developed by robotics
Advanced space system developed by robotics
Space is a great frontier, but severe environment. To utilize it safely,
conveniently, and sustainably, I am trying to develop a future space
system based on fusion of robot technologies and space technologies.
Now, dynamics, mechanism, and control of “a novel mobility system on a
space structure”, and “Spacecraft capture system for orbital Servicing
and space debris removal”, among others, are being investigated.
Furthermore, “orbital demonstration and verification method for new
space robot” is also an important theme. A minimum system for the
demonstration is investigated through the development of a
- Social Contributions
Activity planning committee member, The Robotics Society of Japan
(2015 -2016)
Administrative board member, University Space Engineering Consortium
(UNISEC) (2017 -)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Tohoku University / JAXA / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
“Dynamics, Control, and ImpedanceMatching for Robotic Capture of a
Non-cooperative Satellite,” Kazuya Yoshida, Hiroki Nakanishi, et al.,
- RSJ Advanced Robotics Vol.18, No.2, 2004.
Nakamaru, Mayuko
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Understand the principle of our society by social simulations and
evolutionary game theory
Understand the principle of our society by social simulations and
evolutionary game theory
Cooperation is a foundation of our society. The free-rider problem, in
which cooperators pay a cost for cooperation and free-riders obtain
benefit from cooperators without paying any cost, appears in our
society. We challenge this problem by means of mathematical models and
computer simulations. Especially, we focus on two research topics: (i)
which rules and systems promote cooperation in organizations, and (ii)
what the ultimate factors for the evolution of human cooperation, which
is related to the evolution of human-specific cognitive abilities, are.
- Social Contributions
- Science Council of Japan, member (the 24th-25th term)
Human Behavior & Evolution Society of Japan, Standing director
(2008-2015) and Director (2016-2018)
Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology, Steering committee
(2002-2004, 2007-2010, 2013-2016, 2019-2020)
- Degree
- Doctor of Science / Kyushu University
- Career
- Shizuoka University / Japan Science and Technology Corporation
- Papers/Books
Nakamaru, M., Matsuda, H. and Iwasa, Y. (1997) The evolution of
cooperation in a lattice-structured population. Journal of Theoretical
Biology 184, 65-81.
Nakamaru, M. and Yokoyama, A. (2014) The effect of ostracism and
optional participation on the evolution of cooperation in the
voluntary public goods game. PLoS ONE 9 (9), e108423.
Nakamaru, M. (2011) Evolving system, Minerva, Kyoto, Japan, 342pp.
Nohara, Kayoko
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
“Translating” science and art/design to produce innovative
“Translating” science and art/design to produce innovative communication
Nohara uses linguistics, semiotics, and communication studies to perform
and provide transdisciplinary research and education, with the key word
being “translation”. To translate is to express something in a different
medium, creating new value. When science is expressed with sensitivity
and narrative, new art and logic can be born. Integrating art thinking
also brings science to a different mode. We create new places and ideas
connecting science with art and design by collaborating internationally
with artists, designers, editors, journalists, museums, and companies.
Various collaborative schemes with UAL Central Saint Martins, Musashino
Art University etc. are going on. Check our latest research at
Science/TechxArt/Design Satellite Lab STADHI – come and join us!
- Social Contributions
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
(IEICE) , Japanese Association for Contrastive Study of Linguistic
Behavior (JACSLA) , Japanese Society for Engineering Education (JSEE),
The Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies (JAITS)
- Degree
- DPhil / Queen’s College, Oxford University
- Career
- University of Oxford / JSPS / Katholiek Universiteit Leuven
- Papers/Books
Kayoko Nohara. Translating Popular Fiction: Embracing Otherness in
Japanese Translation. Peter Lang: Oxford. 2018.
Kayoko Nohara. Translation Studies in Discussions. Sanseido: Tokyo.
Hasegawa, Shoichi
Associate Professor
School of Engineering, Department of Information and Communications
Virtual Reality Technology and design creating experience
Virtual Reality Technology and design creating experience
Researching fields of virtual reality (VR), simulation, and interaction,
we hope to create the information environment where people can live
naturally and enjoyably and creatively. In VR, the reality tends to be
focused, but it is important to have a good environment, not the copy of
the reality, that is, an environment where people can naturally behave.
I think “naturally” is one of the essential values of VR, which is more
general than the “reality”. This requires taking into account the human
body and mind, the sensorimotor system, human perceptions and emotions,
the nature of the real world in which people live, and then using
technology to create an environment. The characteristics of our
laboratory are handling the factors above on computers (i.e. creating
simulation models of humans and the real world) and creating interfaces
taking into account human haptics.
- Social Contributions
- Publication co-chair in IEEE World Haptics 2019
- Publicity co-chair in Asia Haptics 2018
- Program co-chair in Asia Haptics 2016
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
The University of Electro-Communications / Tokyo Institute of
- Papers/Books
TEllipsoid: Ellipsoidal Display for Videoconference System
Transmitting Accurate Gaze Direction, IEEE VR, 2020.
Continuous Collision Detection for Virtual Proxy Haptic Rendering of
Deformable Triangular Mesh Models, IEEE Trans. on Haptics, 2019.
Haptic Rendering based on Finite Element Simulation of Vibration’,
Haptics Symposium, 2014.
Hayashizaki, Noriyosu
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary
Science and Eng.
Creating a prosperous and sustainable society through particle
accelerator and quantum beam technologies
Creating a prosperous and sustainable society through particle
accelerator and quantum beam technologies
Quantum beams (ion, electron, X-ray, neutron, etc.) are used in the
fields of cancer treatment, medical imaging, pharmaceutical production,
sterilization, nondestructive inspection and semiconductor manufacturing
in addition to the frontiers of elementary particle physics and material
science, and technologies based on quantum beams are indispensable for
daily life. Our group develops compact particle accelerators that create
quantum beams, with properties depending on the application, through a
design process that incorporates 3D CAD modeling and multiphysics
simulation, followed by precise fabrication. This process delivers high
reliability and operability for collaborating faculty and students. A
multi-beam linear accelerator, a compact accelerator-driven neutron
source for nondestructive bridge inspection and a medical accelerator
are under development in our laboratory.
- Social Contributions
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Cross-appointment fellow
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and
Technology (QST), Senior Researcher
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) / Tokyo Institute
of Technology
- Papers/Books
Noriyosu Hayashizaki, Shota Ikeda, Aki Murata, Development of a
downsized proton accelerator system for compact neutron sources,
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B, 461 (2019) 243-246.
Murata, Ryo
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Creating architecture and cities in response to the environment
Creating architecture and cities in response to the environment
Our main theme is “creating architecture and cities in response to the
environment“. Considering various historical and geographical factors
and their relationships with architecture and cities, we are practicing
design and research with the objective of clarifying the fundamental
mechanisms of an excellent building environment.
- Social Contributions
Life Cycle Carbon Minus House Research and Development
Committee(2009-), Architectural design works: Courtyard House A(2017),
Tokyo Tech Genso Cube(2015)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering / Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Estec Design Co. Ltd., Yasuo Murata Architects and Associates
- Papers/Books
Yagi, Tohru
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
School of
Environment and Society / Dept. of Transdisciplinary Science and
Neural engineering to connect man and machine
Neural engineering to connect man and machine
The goal of this laboratory is to understand the neural mechanisms and
computational principles of the biological brain and vision, and to
exploit the findings in engineering applications, especially with
relation to biomedical/rehabilitation engineering and bio-mimetic
robotics. This involves a combination of engineering and biomedical
experimental approaches based on neuroscience. The current project is to
develop a neural interface, which is a direct technological interface
between the nervous system and a computer.
- Social Contributions
Board Member, Japan Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
Board Member, Japanese Society for Engineering Education,
Board Member, Institute of Electrical Engineers C Section
- Degree
- Doctor (Engineering) /Nagoya University
- Career
- JSPS, RIKEN, Nagoya University, NIDEC Co., MIT
- Papers/Books
Personal Identification Number Application Using Adaptive P300
Brain-Computer Interface, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics,
Information and Systems, 136, 9, 1277-1282, 2016.
Research of the Characteristics of Alzheimer’s Disease Using EEG, IEEJ
Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, 130, 10,
1827-1832, 2010.
Biohybrid Visual Prosthesis for Restoring Blindness, Int. J. of
Applied Biomedical Engineering, 2, 1, 1-5, 2009.
Yamakita, Masaki
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Systems and Control Eng.
No control, no life
Our main research topics are advanced control theory and its application
to industry. To apply control theory, system modeling, system analysis,
control system design, and performance validation are very important. In
our laboratory, advanced methods in each step are studied. For example,
in a system modeling a system modeling method that is robust against
observation noise based on machine learning techniques has been proposed
aside conventional modeling based on physical and chemical laws. Fast
model predictive control algorithm, and algorithms for state estimation
and prediction of future behavior in future based on the model have been
proposed. In the robotics field, realization of energy-efficient biped
running, and development of artificial muscle actuators and its
application are studied.
- Social Contributions
- IIFAC AUTOMATICA, Associate Editor (2001-2007)
- Robotics Society of Japan, Councilor (2003-2004)
SICE SI-division Technical Committee on Soft Material, Technical
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering /Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Toyohashi University of Technology/Riken
- Papers/Books
「Iterative generation of virtual reference for a
manipulator」M.Yamakita, K.Furuta, Robotica, Vol. 9, pp. 1/80 (1991),
「A Novel Gait Generation for Biped alking Robots Based on Mechanical
Energy Constraint」,F.Asano, M.Yamakita, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and
Automation, Vol. 20, No3. pp.565/573(2004)
Yamazaki, Takahisa
Associate Professor
School of Engineering / Dept. of Mechanical Eng.
Joining of dissimilar materials to provide good mechanical property
for aerospace
Joining of dissimilar materials to provide good mechanical property for
Our main theme is joining of carbon-related materials to super alloys
for aerospace use. To use these joints under a severe environment, some
techniques were applied to materials that provide good mechanical
property to produce these joints. Arc, plasma or light beam were applied
to produce these dissimilar materials joints, then they were fractured
to obtain mechanical property data using various devices to serve as
aerospace materials.
- Social Contributions
- JWES comitee of brazing , advanced materials joining group
- JWS vice chair of the interface joining research section
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering /Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Papers/Books
Takahisa Yamazaki, Ryusei Ninomiya, Magnet Formation by the Surface
of Diamond with Manganese Detected by the Magnet Flux Density on the
- Surface, Materials Sciences and Applications, 2017, 8, 642-648
- doi:10.4236/masa.2017.88045
T Yamazaki, K Shoji, T-T Ikeshoji, A Suzumura, The healing effect of
- stearic acid applied on amorphous carbon film with dispersed
nanodiamonds, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 379 (2012) 012010.
- (p.1-10).
Yuasa, Kazuhiro
Associate Professor
School of Environment and Society / Dept. of Architecture and
Building Eng.
Application of the effective energy utilization technology in
Application of the effective energy utilization technology in buildings
Our major subjects are as follows; 1) energy consumption in many
buildings, such as houses, offices and commercial buildings, are
analyzed by questionnaire survey and measurement; 2) energy conservation
effects via application of distributed energy systems, such as
photovoltaic power generation, wind power generation, and a cogeneration
system, to building an urban area are estimated by energy simulation; 3)
energy conservation effects of district heating and cooling systems are
surveyed; and 4) effects of behavior for energy conservation in houses
and educational facilities are analyzed by a questionnaire survey,
measurement, and energy simulation.
- Social Contributions
- Architectural institute of Japan
Institute of environmental management, administration and maintenance
of Japan
- Japan building maintenance association
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering /Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Papers/Books
Evaluation on SOFC-cgs installation with consideration to electricity
and hot water demand variation, Transactions of AIJ, 2015, / Energy
saving potential of low-impact life style in residential buildings,
Transactions of AIJ, 2009
Funakoshi, Kotaro
Associate Professor
School of Eng./ Dept. of Information and Communications Eng.
Designing cooperative interactions with machines
Designing cooperative interactions with machines
Our laboratory conducts a wide range of research on multimodal dialogue
systems and human-machine interaction centered on verbal communication
based on natural language processing and non-verbal information
processing technology. Multimodal here refers to integrating and
understanding information provided in various forms such as words,
sounds, and images, and at the same time effectively using them to
convey information. Since dialogue systems (or conversational
robots/agents) are used by people, they must be easy to use and give
people joy in using them. To achieve this, it is necessary to design
systems with objectives in mind, taking into account the characteristics
and differences between humans and machines. In particular, humans’
ability to cooperate is unique among living things, and verbal dialogue
is the most obvious manifestation of this ability. The exchange of words
may seem like nothing, but it cannot be realized without mutual
cooperation. We welcome those who want to uncover the true nature of
people and language through technology, and those who want to create
something that pleases rather than something amazing.
- Social Contributions
ACL/ISCA SIG Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial), Board Member
- Association of Natural Language Processing, Officer (2023-2026)
JSAI SIG Artificial General Intelligence (SIG-AGI), Secretary (2024-)
- Degree
- Doctor of Engineering /Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Career
- Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd., Kyoto University
- Papers/Books
Non-humanlike Spoken Dialogue: A Design Perspective, SIGDIAL
Conference, 2010/ Readings in Japanese Natural Language Processing,
Chpt. 8., CSLI pub., 2016/ Toward Mindful Machines: A Wizard-of-Oz
Dialogue Study, IEEE HCC, 2019